Our Team

Amin Sarkhosh

Portrait des Mitarbeiters Amin Sarkhosh

Staff at project location Erfurt

Professional background: Training as a social worker and socio-educational experience, voluntary counselling and support for migrants with everyday problems and accompaniment to authorities, project work in the field of migration and integration.

Chairmen Migranten Omid Vereins MOVE e. V.

Member of the Board MigraNetz Thüringen e. V.

Key areas: Networking, Empowerment, Consultation, project funding

Strengths: Networking in Erfurt and Thuringia, event organization, migrant self organization

Languages: Persian/Dari, German, Paschto, English.

Contact: amin.sarkhosh@jipi.kjr-ik.de / 0176 56717398

Availability: Monday – Friday: 3:30 pm – 7:30 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

House of Resources Thüringen – Büro Erfurt, c/o IWM, Hugo-John-Straße 10, 99086 Erfurt

Zentrum für Integration und Migration (ZIM) Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 50, 99086 Erfurt

Chrystelle Rätsch

Staff at project location Nordhausen

Professional background: B.A. Social Work, Social Counselling for Refugees, Social Pedagogical Family Support, Project staff of the HoR Thüringen in Nordhausen

Key Areas: Networking, Consulations, project funding, social media and public relations

Stärken: Know-How of social, asylum and residence law, methods and techniques of social work; transcultural competences

Languages: German, English

Contact: cr@schrankenlos.net / 0174 2098703 or 03631 9998044

schrankenlos e.V., Hallesche Straße 69, 99734 Nordhausen

Lisa Schäder

Project management, Staff at project locations Ilmenau & Erfurt

Professional background: B.A. Social Sciences & M.A. Peace and Conflict Studies, project coordination and collaboration in non-profit organisations; voluntary work in support of refugees and in the field of anti-racism

Key areas: Project coordination and -administration, project funding, consulations and training, networking

Strengths: Project management, acquistion of funding, event organization, public relations

Languages: German, English

Contact: lisa.schaeder@jipi.kjr-ik.de / 01590 677 6464

House of Resources Thüringen – Büro Erfurt, c/o IWM, Hugo-John-Straße 10, 99086 Erfurt (on-site appointsments by arrangement)

House of Resources Thüringen – Büro Ilmenau, c/o jipi gUG, Am Großen Teich 2, 98693 Ilmenau (on-site appointments by arrangement)

Tanja Schmidt

Staff at project location Ilmenau

Professional background: B.A. Social Work, project

coordination and collaboration in non-profit organisations

Key areas: consulations and training, project funding, PR, networking

Strengths: Event organisation, networking in Ilmenau, knowledge in social work

Contact: tanja.schmidt@jipi.kjr-ik.de / 01590 6776465

Availability: Wednesday and Thursday: 10 am – 2 pm and by appointment

House of Resources Thüringen – Büro Ilmenau, c/o jipi gUG, Am Großen Teich 2, 98693 Ilmenau (on-site appointments by arrangement)